Thursday, December 16, 2010

My first...

I'm a talker, a writer and nosy as all get-out. So why haven't I started one of these before? I'm not overly concerned with people reading it. I just find it fascinating to have access to my thoughts at random points in the day or across the time of my life. Mainly because I can (hopefully) see how a prayer was answered or how I've grown.

So you are welcome to join me in the ride. Share me with friends. Or just be a quiet lurker in the background thinking I'm crazy and being glad this isn't your life. (ha ha).  Either way, I welcome you into my life.

I usually try to think of something I want to do in the new year, but I rarely accomplish it. Not weight loss or to stop biting my nails but something more specific to me.  One year I wanted to visit more local towns within a day's driving distance. That one, I sorta accomplished. I shopped in all kinds of random towns across SC/NC... some great, some slightly sketchy.  Last year I wanted to start writing in a Thankful Journal each night.  I might have 12 entries.  Not so successful at that one.

Which is why I'm starting a blog for this coming year's resolution, for lack of a better description. I at first wanted to be part of the 365 project, where people take a picture every day.  (See info here) But let's get real, even with the camera phone, that ain't happening. So my goal is to do AT LEAST one picture a week, that will be shared here. (365 pictures, 52 pictures... yeah, it's close enough.) So bear with me, my imaginary friends. I'll see what I can do.

And hopefully I'll lose some weight and stop biting my nails along the way. But don't hold your breath.

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