Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maybe... Just Maybe...

I'm getting excited.

A friend and I have been talking, texting, plotting... and maybe, just MAYBE I'll start this project and see it through to becoming an actual piece of work to sell to the public. Maybe.

I can't tell you how thankful I am for friends! Just when I am doubting myself, thinking there is no way I have the talent needed to pull this off, I get another text saying, "Oh goodness! I love the pages! So colorful and lovely!! I am so excited to see more! Keep on going - its GREAT!!"

Wow. And get this - she was MY intern once upon a time. And now, she's definitely teaching me! Just seeing that from someone I respect so much, it really built me up and gave me the courage to say - I'm going to go for it! I'm going to try it out and see what happens! So please stay tuned and take this journey with me, I'm very excited.

On an unrelated note - Muffin is refusing to eat her food. Not that she's sick, it's just different food (same brand name, just a different flavor) and it's driving me CRAZY. Any suggestions on how to get this hard-headed cat to EAT her dadgim FOOD? GRRRRRR.

Ya'll have a happy Hump Day tomorrow - one day closer to the weekend! :)  And say a prayer that I find some confidence to see me through this project!

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