Friday, November 4, 2011

I've been slack.

Slack I tell you. That's what I've been.

Not that I don't enjoy posting here, because I do. (Not sure why. But I enjoy tossing random thoughts out into the vastness that is the Internet.)  Anyway, I have just been busy!  You can feel the holiday season picking up speed because all my time is getting booked Booked BOOKED!

But isn't it exciting? I love having so many things to do and to see. Family events that aren't holiday oriented, just fell close to the holidays.  A housewarming and a baby shower.  Then shopping at the huge Christmas show in Charlotte.  Somewhere in there a visit to the Renaissance Festival before it leaves - hopefully this weekend.  Two Voter Registration sign-ups, one major Election Day and OH YEAH, the huge Pottery Show that we go to every year.

BREATHE. BREATHE.  Because then comes Thanksgiving. Hm... wonder what I'll cook to add to the festivities this year?  An O' Suzanna pie, for sure.  Maybe some veggies and dip. I thought about a pear something or other, because that's something different for our family.  I don't know - what do you fix? Any traditions or cool yummies that you might share?

Speaking of yummies, since Snapfish was having a sale - buy one photo book and get two free - I thought I'd make a recipe book of family favorites with pics of the family members or stories of why this recipe is special. I was on something when I thought I could pull this off in three days. Might not happen. But I really do love the idea! So... we'll see. I'll keep you posted.

Folks, have a great weekend! And I promise to do better next week!

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