Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wowzers, what an ending.

I was reading Susan Branch's blog where she talks about how she LOVES the week between Christmas and New Year's because there is nothing to do but relax and enjoy.


It has been a full-blown madhouse in my office.  The stress level is rocketing off the rafters, added to an attempt to create decorations for my mom's 60th birthday party.  Which is my own fault because I have the grand ideas and high expectations, only to fall short and become disappointed in myself. (insert your own image of a sad face here).

I do have pictures of Christmas. I promise, I do. I haven't seen them myself, but they will arrive and I will torture you with them shortly.

I did have a wonderful Christmas, starting with a huge family breakfast that rolled right into piles of presents and lots of laughter and paper ball fights. This was followed by some rest before starting all over when AH arrived at the house. (insert the biggest happy-face smile you can think of here)!

As for New Year's, we'll be celebrating my Mom.  An amazing wonderful woman who still has "it."  She is so pretty, so funny, creative, and a great mom-figure. Most people I know learn to appreciate the mom-ness of my mother.  Not a frumpy mom-ness, but a person who remembers to send cards, to say thank you, to let you know she's thinking of you ... a supportive mom. :)

Anyway, I will provide you with more entertainment in 2012, I hope.  I haven't tired of this yet. Just need to wrangle life back into order so I can come back here and enjoy your company some more. If I don't post before Saturday - ya'll have a GREAT NEW YEAR and I'll see you in 2012!


  1. Really. Who relaxes and enjoys!! This is where I try to get everything done that I said I was going to do this year. Fail miserably, and add it to next years list.

  2. Thank you, Pam. You make me feel normal, like I'm not a total freak for running around like a chicken with its head cut off this last week of 2011. Heck, why change my norm this late in the year! Ha ha


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