Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday's Letter

Dear Week, thanks for going easy on me. I needed a little bit of breathing room and you gave it to me.

Dear Christmas Tree, I know you are only about three feet high and table top sized, but I just couldn't continue decorating you after the four ornaments I put on you last night. I realize you are feeling naked and abandoned, I will hide your bare branches sometime this weekend. Promise.

Dear Camera, you are totally stressing me out. Having a lens error right before the holidays is totally not cool with me. I'm crossing my fingers the camera shop can fix you for little money and little time so you'll be back in action by Christmas. :(

Dear Macy, the hat. Adorable. Ok, let's be honest, everything you do is adorable. Well, except puking on me. Not so adorable.

Dear Pressed Clovers customer - I'm crossing my fingers your employees love their books from you. I'm very honored and touched you considered me for your Christmas gifts! Thank You!

Dear Weekend - I'm so ready for you! :)

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